Saturday, June 21, 2008

[thought for the day] saturday evening

Anyway, when I woke up this morning, the pain had spread to the whole of the back and then I realized exactly what was going on - I was metamorphosing into a nicer chap than earlier.

Yep, tell tale signs on the backs of the hands, the razor was working overtime for virtually no effect and then Welshcakes stopped by and murmured, 'It's definitely you.'

'Didn't you realize I've been masquerading all along?' I fiendishly snapped. 'What you've let into your house is nothing less than ... Baht At in disguise.'

'Well, you've overslept,' was the reply, as she cheerfully skipped off to marinade some chicken and start on the plum wine.

Now once more the mild mannered James Higham, I made the kitchen with the help of the trusty stick and suddenly the thought for the day sprang to mind:

Every day in every way, I'm getting better. [Emile Coue, 1915]

Surely there's something in that for all of us.


  1. Are you still in Sicily then?

  2. One of those lines is quite scary I fear for Welshcakes safety!!! ;-)

    PS: Take care of you back!

  3. Poor Welshcakes, is her guest a little testy? Surely not that testy! Sorry James, I hope it really gets better soon. Is Nurse Simi, the only truly healthy one, looking after you both well?

  4. Last time I looked, Ordo but I'm in Wales in spirit.

    Cherie - I only transform into a monster at midnight and only if you drip water on me.

    All is well, JMB - the back's batter and the water has run out. But the early morning Sicilian air is wonderful plus Welshcake's cooking.

  5. The company we keep transforms us but also good food can make us more amenable.

  6. Yet, Bahat defended you more than your own BP did.
    Low blow.


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